
Netflix streaming: DGA Documentary Nominees

A huge strength of Netflix streaming is the deep & wide selection of documentaries.  Yeah, they have a bunch of crummy History & Discovery Channel junk, but they also have a tremendous array of absolutely top flight work.

For example, of the five DGA Award documentary nominees just announced these four are available via streaming:
Invisible War
Queen of Versailles
How to Survive a Plague 
Ai WeiWei: Never Sorry

Only Searching for Sugar Man is missing.

I thought Queen of Versailles was great, but the grotesque spectacle of consumption drove the wife to her bed, unswayed by my promises of the karmic destitution to come.  Ai WeiWei was also excellent, both as a portrait of the artist and as an indictment of China's authoritarian government.  How To Survive a Plague & Invisible War are both in the queue, although they promise rougher sledding.

Anyway, impressive to me that four out of five nominees are at my fingertips for $8 a month.

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