
Twitter Trending Watch: #lessambitiousbooks

Hurrah for twit lit, #lessambitiousbooks is trending and generating a higher quality of material than the earlier reign of #lessambitiousrecords.

To wit-

Fear and Loathing in Reno
Cholera in the Time of Cholera
The Accountant of Monte Cristo
As I Lay Napping
Reasonable Expectations
Facebook Profile of the Artist as a Young Man
Lady Chatterley's Facebook Friend
The Lion, The Witch and the Shoe Box
The Water Fountainhead
The Instagram of Dorian Gray
Brave New Jersey
The Scarlett Johansson Letter
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the 405 

and @fredwillard has hit a bunch out of the park:

Breakfast At Target
The Halfback Of Notre Dame
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Brunettes and RedHeads
The Bed And Breakfast in New Hampshire

Viva Twitter!

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