
True Customer Tales: Socialism

A semi-regular, a run down older gal from the subsidized housing hotel across the street, comes in asking where to find books on socialism. I send her into the loft.

While there she has a five minute long coughing fit, no breaks.
Wet, rattling coughs expelled with metronomic precision.

She eventually returns with a book, and a monologue.

"Let me get rid of some of this shitty change. I hate shitty change! I'm into Socialism now- this book looks pretty good. *starts coughing again* Goddammit! *more coughing* I've got this library book about sexual abuse in the military! THAT should keep me up at night! Okay, here's the goddamn five dollars. I hope this book is good! Goodbye!"

1 comment:

Dr. said...

Go back to Canada!