
Monster Zero!

I had a weird experience last night.
As part of a belated birthday get together, Uncle Timmy put on Invasion of the Astro Monster, which I remembered from my long ago broadcast teevee youth as Monster Zero.

I really liked it, in the same way I like Hitchcock's The Birds- it's mostly pretty goofy, but captures its era in a hyper-stylized way. Monster Zero is the greatest monster movie ever made by a bunch of kids filming in the back yard using the likeliest creatures they could dig out of their toy chest & all of granpaw's model train scenery.

It's really strange seeing 'trash' like this dressed up and given the same treatment as 'real' movies.

Back in the day I watched a pan-and-scanned version on our 12" black & white teevee. Seeing it last night in its super clean remastered ultra-widescreen DVD incarnation was mindblowing. It's like when I hear an old tune I remember from AM radio on a really nice stereo. You think you remember something, but the memory formed around a mutilated version. It's like building your understanding of Moby Dick off the old Classic's Ilustrated comic.

1 comment:

woodyb3 said...

It double billed with "War of the Gargantuas"!