
True Fuss Tales: why you want to avoid power struggles

Because sometimes, with a super willful, opinionated 3 year old like mine, you will lose.

So we're driving home from Target (the only store Fuss refers to by name) and he's been tweaking for about fifteen minutes, a combination of being tired and over-stimulation from his Kamikaze attack on their toy department.

It's dark and coming from the back seat I hear spitting sounds.

"Fuss, do not spit!"

"Why?" This is his new favorite word.

"Because it's gross and messy and people don't like it."

"No it's not, dada! It's not gross and messy...it's just CLEAN!"

This evolved into his mantra on the drive home.

"It's not gross and messy, Dada, it's just CLEAN!"

Repeated at least a hundred times.

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