
Netflix Price Increase

It's about time.

Sure, I love getting an 'all you can watch' buffet for the price of one shite DVD from the dump by the grocery store registers, but the free ride couldn't last forever.

The plan we're on still delivers one vestigial DVD, but....we don't ever watch them. They show up, then sit on the stereo next to the teevee for weeks or months until we finally admit we're just too lazy to turn on the dvd player and send them back.
Rinse, repeat.

On the details, I don't see anything to get upset about.

That is changing slightly. The company today announced new pricing that will split DVD and streaming subscriptions into separate tiers. The cheapest plans will be $7.99 for unlimited streaming each month (remaining the same after the last pricing changes), and $7.99 for a new plan offering only DVDs, with one out at a time. So instead of paying $9.99 for both, you’ll now pay $15.98.

Before we made the Roku switch we were on their 3 DVD plan, which was a good deal at $14.95 a month. But given that the only time we watch DVDs any more is when the internet is down, I think we'll be going 'unlimited streaming' for $8 a month and getting supplemental emergency DVDs from the library.

from the Value Added files, Facets has a great selection of cult, niche, highbrow and other flavors of DVD and offers up their own DVD by Mail service. If I still had a thirst for physical DVD delivery I'd skip Netflix and send them my $8 a month.

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