
The sham of corporate personhood

This guy hacked into his neighbor's network, defamed them on myspace, generally harassed them and was slapped with 18 years.

“Barry Ardolf has demonstrated by his conduct that he is a dangerous man. When he became angry at his neighbors, he vented his anger in a bizarre and calculated campaign of terror against them,” prosecutor Timothy Rank said in a court filing. “And he did not wage this campaign in the light of day, but rather used his computer hacking skills to strike at his victims while hiding in the shadows.

“Over months and months, he inflicted unfathomable psychic damage, making the victims feel vulnerable in their own home, while avoiding detection.”

Huh. Who does that sound like? Oh yeah!

Although his hacking victimized thousands of people, he was savvy enough to leave the actual dirty work to subordinates, insulating himself like a mob boss.

Also, too, that old saw about one death being a tragedy, a thousand deaths being a statistic.

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