
Moar Netflix Butthurt

Ah internet, you can turn even the most mundane, predictable business decision into ARMAGEDDOPACALYPSE NAO!

Twitter is still clogged with piles of hair and rent garments from the (over)reaction to Netflix's price hike. I've mostly said my peace, but one specific bit stuck out this morning- all the people screeching about taking their business elsewhere don't have anywhere to go.


One, they don't stream. Two, sixteen bucks is sixteen movies, which you have to pick up and return your own self. Assuming you don't space out and forget and get nailed with late fees, which is where they make all their money, just like 'real' video stores used to. Redbox is like your shitty neighborhood video store circa 1992, only with worse selection and no snotty clerk to make you feel inferior.


Yah rite.
They stream....but they don't do DVDS. The price and selection for Prime are similar to Netflix streaming- if you shop there a lot I can see using them to stream and switching to the base DVD plan with Netflix, but they can't replace Netflix by themselves.


yeah, people went there- "with the cost increase they are making going to the movies affordable!"
On what planet?
One movie ticket is ten bucks...more for 3d.


Okay for teevee shows, although I stream to get away from ads, not to pay to watch them.
Movies? Nope. Home DVD delivery? Nope.

Twitterer K_Liakos sums it up nicely:

No nacho stained homebody that cares enough about their Netflix to complain about a price increase will ever cancel their subscription.

Nobody else does what Netflix does. It took over the world because it was ultimately convinient, and even with the price hike it remains a ridiculously good entertainment value.

And I'll conclude with This Week's Winning Tumblr:

Remember VHS movies? I bought Slap Shot for $70. That’s for one movie. How much does a DVD cost now? I don’t even know. You know why I don’t know? Because I don’t buy them. I wait for shit to come on Netflix and I watch it on my computer. Sixteen bucks a month. Yep, that’s $192 a year. Still less than if you went to the theater every month to see any of these movies. On Netflix you get to watch them more than once. Stop and start them at your convenience. Watch them in your underwear, your belly covered in Cheetos dust and beer dripping down your chin. I don’t know, maybe you do that in a movie theater, too. Been a hell of a long time since I’ve been in a movie theater so maybe things have changed.


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