
How Getting Lots of Hits Made Me Stop Caring About Getting Hits

As a vanity project, this blog has a self-limiting audience- people who know me and are interested in family news and, to a lesser extent, seeing me tilt at assorted cultural windmills.

Then I started writing up stuff I liked on Netflix streaming, which roughly doubled my traffic.
Then I threw together a garbage post collecting Twitter comments on the NBA Finals, Hey Lebron, How's My Dirk Taste, and BOOM- a month's worth of hits in one day.

It eventually died down, but this weekend I noticed another giant, unrelated traffic spike.
Turns out it was caused by another compilation of Twitterings, on the meme adding ...in my pants to movie titles.

So....in a world where I can get mad hits whenever I want by culling funny sayings from Twitter, why care about traffic? My friends will always read whatever they read and if I get a hankering for "traffic" I can hop on whatever the current social media bandwagon is.


1 comment:

Dr. said...

I only read the internet to see what's on tv.