
Blockbuster wants all those disgruntled Netflix customers!


Greeting email recipients with "Netflix Customers, Say Hello to Blockbuster" -- and how did Blockbuster get the email addresses of Netflix customers, unless it's just carpet-bombing? -- Blockbuster Total Access offers the following:

* $9.99 a month for one disc at a time

* $14.99 a month for 2 discs at a time

Hmm. Netflix, what do you offer?

1 DVD out at a time: $7.99

2 DVDs out at a time: $11.99

Well, let's compare their streaming plans. Maybe that will provide illumination.


Unlimited Streaming: $7.99


So Blockbuster's crafty offer to angry Netflix subscribers is to charge more for DVDs while not offering any streaming whatsoever?

How did they ever go bankrupt?


Dr. said...

Indeed. The short term effects is the stock market. Watch NFLX tomorrow and see what the market thinks of the changes being made at Netflix. Personally I believe the deal is still good at Netflix and the service is solid. Remember when Blockbuster used to be such a swinging dick that they could censor movies and the studios would just take it! Fuck Blockbuster!

baxie said...

I hate a lot of big corporations, but my hate for Blockbuster was unparalleled. Sanctimonious, moralizing assholes- I laughed when they went under. Not as hard as when I read the article detailing their amazing anti-Netflix plan, but close.

Snowfarmer said...

I'm not the only one! I can't wait until Blockbuster goes under for good.

I might be disgruntled at Netflix, but I still have a soul. I'd choose no movies or streaming before caving and giving Blockbuster money.

rose said...

I have always liked Blockbuster better then Netflix. I have tried both companies and what I didn’t like about Netflix is you always had to wait for new releases. That is one of the main reasons I rent is to see the new movies. With Blockbuster you can get new releases 28 days before Netflix. You can also get Blockbuster free for 3 months with my provider/employer DISH Network. That is such a good offer that it’s worth it to change. With this price increase Netflix is going to end up being more expenses then Blockbuster. Check out this link for the promotion through DISH http://bit.ly/iH7nwg.

baxie said...

I have a longstanding dislike of Blockbuster germinated by their old habit of editing movies for content- their original owner was a Fundie jagoff who didn't like people seeing certain things so Blockbuster would lean on the studios to deliver an 'edit' that Blockbuster would agree to carry. Disgusting.
By the time competition forced them to lay off the heavy hand, it was too late to regain my favor.
also, as noted, Blockbuster does not offer any streaming at all- this is a deal breaker for me, and means that they're not an actual competitor with Netflix.

If you just want DVDs and don't want to wait for new releases, I can see the appeal of Blockbuster's DVD offer.

I do roughly 99% of my movie viewing via streaming now, and I'm dropping DVDs entirely when Netflix starts charging extra. I can supplement with dvds from the library.