
Internet Vigilantism: This Guy Has My Macbook

Today's winning Tumblr!

On March 21, 2011, my MacBook was stolen from my apartment in Oakland, CA. I reported the crime to the police and even told them where it was, but they can't help me due to lack of resources. I'm currently in the process of contacting the mayor's office. Meanwhile, I'm using the awesome app, Hidden, to capture these photos of this guy who has my MacBook.

I wonder why the first thing creeps like this do isn't reformat the hard drive.
Then I think about the way I've put up with all kinds of buggy, irritating behavior for months on end because I didn't want to reformat my own hard drive and it kinda makes sense.

If he ends up getting it back, I think he's gonna have to disinfect the poor thing...that dude is GRIMY.

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