
Fuss in the Morning

This morning we played blocks, fingerpuppets & laid out some roadway for his cement mixer truck and forklift to carry things down. Post diaper change he was delighted to find all the paints still out on the table from last night's art session with the Wife. I left him to it while making breakfast and returned to find he'd painted his right hand purple. Ah well, better than the time he drew all over it with a blue Sharpie.

His recent breakfast favorite is 'Toasty Piddy Butter Sandwich', which is exactly the same as Piddy Butter Toast except he makes me fold the bread in half.

Last night's obsession with his birthday cake continued. After devouring the toast he proclaimed

"Dada, it's my BIRTHday!"

"Almost, Fuss- two more months!"

"Dada...got PUMPKINS on it! On my CAKE!"

"Yep...what else does the cake have on it?"

"Got PUMPKINS....and GHOSTIES....and Dragons!"


"And children. Got children on it...and....and....KITES!" with a giant grin.

"That's quite a cake!"

He nodded agreement.

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