
Keywords of the Week: On Changing Baxblog Demographics

Checking the books after an unexpectedly busy 'weekend' here at Chez Baxblog, I found the surplus readership was drawn hither almost entirely by three magic words:

best netflix instant

In various combinations.

A sampling:

Best of Netflix Watch Instantly
Best Conspiracy Theory New World Order to Watch Intantly on Neflix (which led the unwary searcher to my post on the documentaries of Errol Morris)
Netflix Best Streaming Westerns

and my favorite

are documentaries like win win on netflix instant

Which brings me up against the eternal conundrum of the baxblog; my scattershot posting style vs having people actually read it. I'm agnostic about traffic, but not completely onanistic- without at least a few readers it's just me having a keyboard wank, and where's the fun in that.

I'm mostly happy sharing this bloggy Meritage with the select, and lately such Facebook pals as can be bothered to click a link. But I also have instincts honed by decades in the used book biz, and the faintest trace of interest on the waters draws me like a piranha. Even if I'm not interested in devouring the carcass on offer, I can't help investigating.

I could go all True Customer Tales and do something with that, or I could go All Fuss and do something with that, or now All Netflix Streaming Reviews and do something with that.

Instead I forge ahead with this mutant hybrid containing the multitude, picking my own way through the forst and not doing much besides amusing myself and (hopefully) my friends.


Malderor said...

I have a similar conundrum with my Twitter account. I follow tons of professional colleagues, and about half my feed is technical hoohah about editing. And the other half are folks related to my various other interests; music, radio, Burning Man, etc. So if I post something about editing, I lose "civilian" readers. And if I post something about, say, the punk show I'm attending, I lose my professional-editor followers. I wonder if I shouldn't split it into a couple dedicated accounts, so I don't have as much "churn" in my readership. But, on the other hand, I'm not sure I care enough to bother.

baxie said...

Yah, I can't help thinking about this stuff when it comes up but I always keep on doing whatever I've been doing. I think it's what the brits call 'bloody mindedness'..take me as I am, or piss off.