
today's book find

While sorting through a huge buy of mostly junky evangelical religious tracts & law books from the 70's I chanced across an amusing title: Larson's Book of Cults.

Listed under MAJOR CULTS with the subheading Pseudo-Christian Cults are Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian Science.
Under Occult/Mystical Cults we find astology, yoga, UFOs, Scientology, martial arts(!) and Theosophy.

In the synoses of 'minor cults' we find none other than THE FARM, home to Ina May Gaskin as well as young Ivan in his pre-futurist days. And also the Unitarians.

A gem of insight from the cover blurb:

Most important, author Bob Larson details precisely how each cult deviates from CHRISTIAN TRUTH.

When cult shopping it's important to choose the right one!


Ivan said...

i used to listen to that maniac on the radio, he had a show where he confronted satanists over the phone.

-cult survivor

baxie said...

why does he hate Stretch Armstrong?

That Which is I said...

Why? His strechiness is CLEARLY satanic in nature. Not to mention the file liquid with which Mr. Armstrong is filled.

What? No anonymous posting? The horror!

baxie said...

I kept getting Korean hacker spam, sorry.