
Happy Birthday to the Wife!

I was going to get her a hot pink Jeep stroller, but somebody must have squealed.

Neither one of us is real big on these things- my default is sushi with a few friends for my yearly dose of mercury. The wife is more social, but less inclined to celebrate the weight of another calendar year settling around her shoulders like a wet towel.

I think we're ordering Thai for dinner- that'll be fun.

A second, less conflicted milestone also falls this week- our 10th wedding anniversary.

Yes, dear readers, a decade of wedded bliss has crept by on tiny padded feet.
Twice as many years as I've been penning this fine blog. About how old the Fuss would be if years of therapy hadn't been required to pave his way. A little less than one quarter of my entire life, and a little more than half of the parts I actually remember.

Fuss's heroic auntie Burl has volunteered for an overnight wrangle, so we're off to a nearby resort for our first child-free night since his arrival.

And that, my friends, is cause for celebration!


woodyb3 said...

Congrats on Tiner's Bday and your tin/aluminum wedding anniversary (traditional).

The resort overnighter sounds awesome and long past-due.

Love to you both!

Good Enough Woman said...

Hope you had a great anniversary celebration! Ten years? That's really hard to believe.