
true customer tales

Winger edition!

A gal buying a discount calendar whines about the parking meters and I reply with my de riguer comment that the Man needs money whether they're allowed to raise taxes or not.

lady: What do you mean?

me: It isn't politically feasible to raise taxes, so they get the money in other ways.

lady, affronted: We pay PROPERTY taxes and SALES taxes!

me: And the state is still essentially bankrupt, so....

lady, snarling: Well then maybe they shouldn't build big new government buildings they don't need!

I smiled insincerely and passed across her change, deciding not to engage on the necessity of upgrading our circa 1930's City Hall that hasn't been big enough for 25 years.

I'd like to see an episode of the Twilight Zone where anti-government zealots get their wish and aliens make the whole apparatus vanish overnight.

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