
Cats in Sinks

You might think it's not what it says.
But then you'd be wrong.


Anonymous said...

bigger waste of time: him putting that together or me looking at it?


baxie said...

well, it was certainly no Jumping Cats, but a couple of them were sorta cute, didn't you think?

*slinks off to put in a load of laundry*

Anonymous said...

hey, not yer finger's fault that it's on the pulse of the internet

baxie said...

well yer brother liked it anyway! =P

unless he linked it just to piss you off....nah, he'd never do a thing like that, would he?

Anonymous said...

what else is one going to do with time BUT waste it - that is what it's for!

the internet just makes wasting time EASIER!

- bobo

baxie said...

can you at least make up a name like your wife does?

every time I see 'anonymous said' my delete finger gets antsy...