
Movie: Howl's Moving Castle

I'm a giant fan of Hayao Miyazaki and the book he's based his latest movie on, Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. In fact I'm such a gushing fan this project hasn't triggered any of my usual trepidation and concern when a book I like gets adapted to the big screen...I'm just excited. Can't remember the last time that happened.

If you're not familiar with Miyazaki, he's the king of Japanese animation (no mean feat since it's a major cultural force, not the botique operation we have here)and he won a much deserved Oscar in 2001 for Spirited Away, a multilayered and profoundly, movingly strange film. It's ironic that Disney is his distributor here in the states since their cookie-cutter corporate method of filmmaking is as far removed from his idiosyncratic, personal vision as you can get without a warp drive equipped starship.

Anyway, there's a good preview/article on the new one here at Slate, and you can check out the trailer and some other multimedia treats here.
Check it out, it's can't miss.

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