
solution oriented thinking

Reading books has been one of the more grievous casualties inflicted by the invading Fuss hoards. If he's awake, anything in my hands commands his full and demanding attention. When he's asleep domestic projects take precedence- as pleasant a prospect as reclining on the deck with novel in hand paints, there are endless ranges of dishes to wash, shelves to paint & paper, meals to prepare, weeds to hoe...on and on, fading by infinitesimal degrees into the misty distance like a Chinese landscape.

And then sleep.

As I must rise when he does, the span of the narrow gap separating his and my bed time is dictated by an unforgiving calculus. But, I can control the widths of the spines my aspiring literary paramours. The imposition of Project: Runway standards on my reading list can't but help my completion percentage.

The first test is Holy the Firm by Annie Dillard, 76 pages dripping wet.

Progress reports will follow.

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