
books: Cover Blurb-stravaganza

Plowing through a big box of vintage (mostly) westerns, replete with some excellent cover blurbs, replicated here for your enjoyment.

In Kansas territory there was one thing you never did- unless you were a plain damn fool.  You didn't ride with the man called Concho.
from The Reformed Gun by Marvin H. Albert

He followed a trail of murder- and found it in the arms of love
from The Second Longest Night by Stephen Marlowe

He rode alone- without a gun- on the trail that led to hell
from Montana Fury by Al Cody

Guns bark and men die in a frenzied hunt for hidden gold
from  The Lobo Breed by Chuck Martin

Of the day Mangus Valley became a slaughterhouse- and of one man who refused to die
from Ride to the Gun by Ray Hogan.

He couldn't count the men who wanted him dead- but he had a bullet for each of them
from The Branded Man by Luke Short

The whole town seemed determined to kill him.  "Why?" Buchanan wondered, and then black rage swept over him

from Buchanan Gets Mad by Jonas Ward

No man is bigger than a .45 slug
from Trail Smoke by Ernest Haycox

and finally,

The American frontier- high with the courage and earthy humor of simple men and women who pioneered the west
from Apache Wells by Robert Steelman

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