
Potty Mouth

The other night, in the middle of a bath, he asked the wife to put him on the 'big potty'.
Where he pooped.
Not in the bath (we have coffee filters in the drawer by the tub, mmk).....on the toilet.

We all conga-lined into the living room afterward and did a celebratory song & dance with a chorus that went something like 'Hooray for poopoo, hooray for the potty, hooray for Eamonn!'

He enjoyed it quite a bit.

Then the next night while playing one of his favorite post-bath games ("Dada, wanna jump NAKED on the BED!") he paused in the middle of the bouncing.

"Dada, hurry and put me on the BIG POTTY!"

Which I did, and he peed in the toilet instead of all over the bed.


We've approached the whole question gingerly because he's so much like...uh, me.  
In that any idea not originating from his own brain is often met with an intransigence verging on the pathological.  So we've just suggested, demonstrated, read potty books, explained during traumatic diaper changes that things would be different if he'd use the toilet, everything except slap porcelain with the parental riding crop and declare in our best Basil Fawlty German accent NAO YOU VILL POOP IN ZEE...TOILET!

It is possible to win that kind of battle with him, but it's a grim war of attrition leaving the victor fit for little but staring vacantly into space while shoveling a whole bag of chips down their maw- think Jack Nicholson at the end of One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest, only replace the drool with a crust of salty crumbs.  

If he gets with the program all on his own, that's the best possible result for all involved parties.


Anonymous said...

You are handling this so much better then I did. My youngest daughter dug in and demonstrated that she was in control, I think I like your approach better.

baxie said...

the temptation to speed along the process is intense- we can't get him into pre-school until he's potty trained and all of us could use the break.

But I know how he is, and *any* sort of pressure from us would lead to a Cold War staredown over the toilet bowl, with the potential for construction of a BM Wall cutting the city in half...