
Sometimes We Do Things

Devra took up the eternal Fuss Vigil last night so we could sashay out on the town for dinner and a movie. His changeability is legendary and inexplicable- her appearance Sunday caused him to wave his hand at her in negation with his head turned to the side, stridently declaring "GO AWAY! GO AWAY! Last night, he charged up, gave her a hug and said he loved her.

I don't pretend to understand.

The final evening of the Labor Day weekend maybe isn't the best choice for a downtown stroll but we beggars claw for whatever scraps are to hand. And simply not worrying about him dusts the most mundane environments and activites with fairy glitter- browsing a store, sitting on a bench, having a cup of coffee...the absence of child imbues them all with a certain sparkle.

Had a nice Thai meal & hit the new Errol Morris flick, Tabloid.

Not one of his great films (Thin Blue Line, Mr. Death, Gates of Heaven), more of an observational entertainment along the lines of Vernon, Florida or Fast Cheap & Out of Control. Very funny, very engaging, with enough gray area for Morris to work with. His protagonist spins the compelling, implausible tale of her life with commentary by assorted observers and erstwhile accomplices. A fun night, check it out if you get a chance.

We returned home around ten and found Fuss still slightly awake, with Devra reading him books in bed. He was excited to tell me about his earlier trip to the rarely open 3rd Street Bakery and about the Halloween swag they'd picked up from the Dollar Store. It's weird to go that long without seeing him, even weirder to think such absences are S.O.P. for many families.

This morning's Fuss greeted me with "Dada....come see the BEAUTIFUL BREAD we got from the bakery! It's full of FLOUR!"

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