
The Injury

Fuss tweaked his foot jumping off the bed a few days ago.
Here's what it looked like after his trip to the doctor for an x-ray (which was negative, happily):

As there's nothing really to do, from a parenting standpoint, it's a frustrating experience.
How do you prevent it?  You don't.  He's a boy, he crazy, and he spends most of his waking hours climbing & jumping off things.  There's a limit on what you can stop them from doing before you hit the point of diminishing returns and backlash so I ration my disapprobation carefully. If my dream was to keep him from jumping off the bed, or the couch, or sliding down the stairs headfirst like a snake I'd have to invest in one of those indoor dog kennels.

This morning he woke up and took a few tentative steps on it, a major improvement.  An energetic toddler suddenly prevented from running around like a maniac is a parenting challenge with a high degree of difficulty. He wasn't much of a crawler- he went from shoving himself across the floor face-first with his legs to sprinting without very few intermediate stages.  It was weird having this giant toddler eagerly scampering around like a crab- floors are DIRTY, man.

I've toted him around like a sack of flour all week, hopefully this is the day the tide turns.


Good Enough Woman said...

Glad there is not a break; hope he recovers quickly. When Billy broke his leg (near the ankle), we didn't know it was broken for about four or five months. He was still jumping out of trees, for Pete's sake.

Meg Nilson said...