
Google Plus ain't your friend

and never will be.

According to Carvin, Schmidt said the reason Google needs users with real names is that the company sees Google+ as the core of an identity platform it is building that can be used for other things:

He (Eric) replied by saying that G+ was built primarily as an identity service, so fundamentally it depends on people using their real names if they’re going to build future products that leverage that information.

Of course, specific knowledge being more valuable to advertisers than general.

Which isn't to say Facebook has any kind of superior moral stance here- they're every bit as eager to sell you out to their customers as Google.

But I see a lot of "ooh, google plus! ooooh!" talk, as if it's an improvement.
Interface aside (and you can bet any popular features G+ ships with will be adopted lickety-split by FB) it's a predatory environment built on selling you out to corporations, same as FB.

Except Google is a lot better at it.

I'll be staying put until someone comes along and Myspace's FB.
That may end up being G+, but I doubt it.

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