
From the Sickbed

I had some kind of weird flu last week, thus the lack of updates. I spent a few days wondering "huh, am I getting sick? I hope I'm not getting sick" then woke up Tuesday with a bowling ball in each lung.

Life being what it is I worked all day, relying on liberal applications of germicidal hand sanitizer to protect the general public. Wednesday was no better, as I played sub-functional parent to Fuss all day.

He was gratifyingly worried by my lassitude and over-reliance on "shows" to keep him subdued. I told him my omnipresent bottle of Gatorade was "dada's sick juice" to justify not giving him a drink. The next morning he wandered up as I lay in bed, asking with a frown if I was still sick. When I nodded, he picked up and handed me the Gatorade. "Here, dada- you drink this and get better, okay?"

Thursday the wife covered a shift at the herb shop, so I was on the wrangle again. By this time I was getting the upper hand on the illness, but had messed up my back during a coughing fit and was gimping around like an octogenarian. Not the best state of affairs when you're in charge of a frisky, stubborn toddler, but we had an outing anyway. He lent a hand by taking a nap at a reasonable hour, then the wife came home and I got a reasonable amount of rest in.

Today the house looks like a badger's den, but I am much improved.
Regular blogging should resume tomorrow.


Meg Nilson said...

It could be worse...you could be sweating out your fever dreams on a rubber mattress in a humid room with six other girls watching you. STOKED.

Devra said...

Dude, I'm really sorry, we all know I was the one who got you sick. I'm glad you're feeling better though, Teeby