
Free isn't Free, Cheap isn't Cheap

As this article on conditions at an Amazon fulfillment warehouse reminds us.
....products are often shipped from the Internets to your house by very demoralized workers operating in very depressing conditions because they have no other job options. Specifically, at the Amazon warehouse in the story, an employee got in touch with OSHA when the heat inside hit 102 degrees. Fifteen workers collapsed, and those that went home to beat the heat got negative marks put on their records.

A while back one of the SF authors I follow on Twitter was waxing joyous about a new 'free shipping' option  on ABE, the main independent used book site.  I noted the shipping cost exactly the same as ever, but certain sellers were willing to eat it to make a sale.  An average trade paperback book costs me $2.83 for Media Rate at the post office plus 30 odd cents for a padded envelope- so, about three bucks even ignoring labor.

The point being that somebody, somewhere is picking up the tab for your bargain.
Something to keep in mind.

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