
both sides don't do 'it'

One of the bedeviling features of modern politics is the myth that "both sides do it", that Democrats and Repbulicans are both equally vile and dishonest, that there isn't much to choose between them as government by one faction is just the same as government by the other.

This belief is completely nonsensical, yet I find it prevalent among a fair number of otherwise intelligent, rational people. Its discovery is always a bit depressing and offputting, like finding out that person you enjoyed meeting at a party is a Young Earth creationist or a Breatharian or something equally maniacal.

The point I keep trying to make is that Dems suck in the traditional way pols have always sucked, while Republicans have gone completely off the map into the realm of cults and secret societies.

John Cole, an ex-Republican who voted for Bush Junior's first term before wising up, makes the case that the modern GOP is more cargo cult than political party.

it’s like trying to debate members of a cargo cult- the modern GOP carry the crosses but have no idea what it means to be christian. They talk about free markets, but have no understanding of economics. Just say deregulate and tax cuts a lot, and MAGIC WILL HAPPEN. Evolution? LIES! Climate change? LIES! Modern Medicine and vaccines? LIES! KEEP GOVERNMENT OUT OF MY MEDICARE! That scooter just magically showed up from the scooter store, like a coca cola bottle from heaven!

He throws in some good links too, check out the whole thing. Bookmark him while you're at it, he's a reliable voice of reason in the wild west of the political blogosphere.

Anyway, I've burned out all my tolerance for they're both equally bad.
They aren't.
Republicans are worse by an order of magnitude, and the way their party relies on the fringe to win elections means there's no such thing as a 'moderate' R any more. Anyone who doesn't climb on board the Crazy Train gets turned into catfood.

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