
Best of Netflix Watch Instantly: Bill Cunningham New York

We caught this one at the Palm a while back and it's fantastic.
You rarely see documentaries about genuinely happy people, but that's what this is.  Aside from a happily brief scene toward the end where the filmaker ponders the imponderables of Bill's personal life it's a marvelous portrait of a life lived in unapologetic, singleminded pursuit of an overriding passion.

Bill presents us with an interesting dichotomy- a fashion photographer who is profoundly disinterested in the business and glamour of the industry, interested only in the creative, artistic aspects.

A great documentary, well worth checking out even if your idea of fashion is a clean tee shirt.

1 comment:

Meg Nilson said...

watched it on the plane...thanks air canada for having an impecable movie selection. i want to be as commited as bill.