
Best Ace Double Pulp Cover Blurbs, Volume One

So I've been pricing out this (complete? possibly!) collection of vintage Ace Doubles, which is entertaining and educational.

The best way to learn about specific types of books is to get hold of a big library of them and go to town researching.  Which is much easier than it used to be- anyone who more or less knows the book biz can get 95% of what they need off the internet these days.  Ten years ago I'd have been consulting a stack of bibliographies, price guides and reference books nearly equal in page count to the books I've been researching.  Now, a bit of typing and a few mouse clicks and I've usually got what I need.

It's satisfying to HAVE the books to bust out for those few genuine rarities that have thus far escaped the online hive mind, but I've been in the biz long enough to enjoy not needing them for every single book I don't personally recognize.

Anyway, that's the entertaining part for me, the bookseller.

The entertaining part for you, the casual reader of this humble blog, are the wide variety of excellent pulp cover blurbs on display, a selection of which I have compiled here for your entertainment and edification.  I'm considering taking some pics of my favorite covers for another run of posts, we'll see how my motivation holds up against the reality of taking and uploading pictures of something that isn't Fuss.
Anyway, here's the first batch of my favorite blurbs.

She learned about sex from an Earth-man!
- Rogue Queen by L. Sprague De Camp

it was monstrous AND ALIVE!
- Donovan's Brain by Curt Siodmak

They had forgotten what men looked like
-World Without Men by Charles Eric Maine

He was offered eternal life- The price, a living death!
- The Altered Ego by Jerry Sohl

What incredible worlds lie past the horizon's of man's mind?
- Beyond the End of Time, Frederik Pohl, ed.

- The Harrad Experiment by Robert H. Rimmer

A mighty novel of persecution and massacre and a love that defied death!
- The Island of the Innocent by Vardis Fisher

Man, Meet Your Master
-The Atlantic Abomination by John Brunner

Human fuses for a galactic explosion
-The Skynappers by John Brunner

The battle of the robot missionaries
- The Earth Gods are Coming by Kenneth Bulmer

- the Games of Neith by Margaret St. Clair

Beware the Horseman of the Stars
- The Sioux Spaceman by Andre Norton

They Searched the Past to Escape the Future!
- The 100th Millennium by John Brunner

It was always open season on escaped earthlings
- Slaves of the Klau by Jack Vance


That Which is I said...

How much do those things go for?


baxie said...

as with all books, it depends.
the cheapest was three bucks, mostly due to crappy condition.

there were several Harlan Ellison 1st editions that were 60-70 each. A couple of Philip K. Dicks in good shape for 40, five or six random scarce ones that went for 20-30.

The more common, less interesting or poorer condition ones I priced around $5.

Percentage wise, about half the buy priced out at $5-10, a bunch were $15-20 and ten or so of them were in the 'holy cow!' range.

That Which is I said...


I have a strange fondness for the cover art - I guess I will have to satisfy it via google.