
On Boxing: Marquez vs Ramos

Apropos yesterday's discussion of crappy boxing decisions and the inability of the sport to address them, here's a tune up fight between the elite Juan Manuel Marquez and the tomato can Likar Ramos.

No questionable decision when you knock the other guy out cold, right?


Marquez landed a good shot, no doubt.
Its Ramos' response I question.

When you watch an ass-ton of fights you develop a sense of appropriate reactions.
You can spot the difference between a flash knockdown, one resulting more from surprise or poor balance than physical harm, and a hard knockdown where the target is disoriented by the blow. Likewise, there are KOs and there are KOs. It's the reason I can't watch boxing movies any more- you develop a sense of what's right inside the ropes, and when something isn't it digs at you.

It's unusual for fighters to get knocked out cold for the full ten count. Any quality fighter's first instinct upon hitting canvas is to get back up- even a scintilla of awareness triggers a scramble to get back on their feet.

Here's Roy Jones Jr in his first bout with Antonio Tarver:

Tarver hit him with a terrific shot, flush on the jaw while Roy was preoccupied throwing a hook of his own (supporting evidence for the boxing adage never hook with a hooker). Jones was 9/10ths out, but the spark of consciousness that remained propelled him to his feet.

Roy again, versus Glenn 'The Road Warrior' Johnson, seen as a light punching non-threat to boost Roy's confidence after the Tarver KO.

And here's the quintessential example, delivered by one of the most devastating punchers ever, Julian 'The Hawk' Jackson:

That's how fighters go down when they've been totally disconnected from their senses- flat out, head bouncing.

Compare to Ramos, who stumbled back a few steps then sat down on the canvas before stretching out and deciding to make himself comfortable.
My feeling is real punch, fake KO.
On the take? Just didn't feel like taking an ass kicking for whatever chump change he was getting paid to play heavy bag for JMM?
Who knows.

But also weird, atypical stuff happens all the time in boxing, so you never really know.
That looks shady to me, but it could be totally legit, a strange reaction to a punch by a guy who didn't see it coming.

But being a follower of the sport means being suspicious of its motives...which sucks.

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