

This Anthony thing got me thinking about the natural evolution of News-O-Tainment.

In a very short span we've gone from national broadcast news being this prestige network thing (mostly) protected from advertising pressures by 'editorial firewalls', to news being just one more broadcast commodity, desperately flailing around to attract the lowest common denominator. CNN and MSNBC and the rest, all scrambling for the biggest straw in the race to drink The National Enquirer's milkshake.

The next step is obvious- networks paying people to 'create' news. They already pay for tips and stories, it's only a matter of time before news crosses over into 'reality' teevee territory and criminals et all start 'pitching' shows to them hoping for a bankroll and guaranteed coverage.

Natural Born Killers looks less like a neo-Ken Russel cultural fantasia and more like prophecy with each passing day.

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