
4th of July Camembert

Last night's BBQ at Neil & Patty's yielded a terrific cheese discovery.

I tried to hit Costco for hot dogs but they were (unpatriotically) closed.
There is nothing more American than stiffing your employees of a day off so you can grind out a few more bucks from the frolicsome masses.

Anyway, the oddball religious zealots who own New Frontiers were more than happy to take my sheckles. And they have a pretty good cheese counter. My preference (Cowgirl Creamery Red Hawk) would have meant sacrificing hot dogs and buns, so I rolled the dice on a small wheel of camembert with a friendly blue cow face on the packaging.

DAMN that was some good cheese!
It recieved the Wife's highest compliment, the query "Is this Rogue et Noir?"

It was actually Vermont Camembert from the nice folks at Blythedale Farm.
A cheese so good paying ten bucks retail feels like shoplifing.
I eagerly await the next plausible excuse to grab another wheel.

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