
Movie Theater Draws Line in Sand

She texted, we kicked her out.

Recently, we had a situation where a customer persisted in texting in the theater despite two warnings to stop. Our policy at that point is to eject the customer without a refund, which is exactly what went down that night. Luckily, this former patron was so incensed at being kicked out, she quickly called the office and left us the raw ingredients for our latest "Don't Talk or Text" PSA. You can check it out below, or come to the Alamo this weekend where the video will be playing before all of our R-rated movies.

Oh, how I wish there was an Alamo Drafthouse nearby.

They're doing the movie industry a tremendous service by policing their theaters- I know quite a few people who eschew 'going to the movies' due to the reflexive, Pavlovian relationship too many people have with their cell phones. And the more degraded cinemas become, the happier we all are to stay home and skip the aggrivation. Emulating television with advertising and overt product placement while letting customers run free during screenings might make short term economic sense, but it will have a cancerous effect over time.

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