
yay for free comic books!

Swung by Dr. Cain's Comics & Games yesterday to celebrate Free Comic Book Day, the graphic sibling of Record Store Day and a celebration of the analog act of reading a physical object. We had a fortuitous run in with Mr. Funk and young Kai, who bee-lined for the kids corner in the front window- another benefit of the analog, you never know who you'll see.

Guided by Dr. Cain himself I selected a recent Fantastic Four trade paperback that looked interesting and grabbed a couple of likely looking kid's books off the free table. A birthday boxing PPV with the Pelf (more about which later) put the comics from my mind until this morning, when they brought Fuss up short during his morning rampage.

"OH! Whassat?" he asked.

"It's a comic book!" I answered, and then we sat on the couch and read his first comic together. He (predictably) loved the story about the ghostly Johnny Boo looking for his ice cream hole and the one about the vampire who craved sweets. A surprisingly poignant moment for this former collector and addict, and one of those thing I never thought about when I thought about what it'd be like to have a child- teaching him how to read comics.

I'm glad the medium is expanding its borders again- during the 90's I feared the corps and the Image revolution was going to kill everything that didn't wear tights and engage in violently soap operatic histrionics.

Happy to be wrong, happy to have stuff to read Fuss.


Dr. said...

Tons of great stuff comes out all the time, it's just the shops and main stream that ignore indie and underground comics and graphic novels. The same could be said for music, art, and film. Glad you found some good stuff.

baxie said...

My problem is I don't have time to stay on top of anything so I have to rely on proxies, or stick to things I remember from the olden days like Reid Fleming.