
Oddly popular

Scrolling around the place today I noticed a strange phenomenon- an old, not particularly noteworthy post was at the top of the 'most popular' list I added a while back. Ahead of an assortment of Netflix posts (my most reliable traffic-magnets) and my Final Thoughts on OBL post, which has also been getting a lot of play.

Wha? I asked, deciding to check under the hood.

The post in question had an unnatural number of comments- I'm lucky if I get one or two comments on any given post (my replies included), this one had 20+. I clicked over to check it out, and nearly all the comments were an increasingly indecipherable string of link spam for wiener drugs and whatnot. I guess the links attracted their own brand of reader, the way clams make their own sauce.

Deleted all the spam comments, we'll see if it stays popular.

I was amused by this one, saved from the incinerator for your edification and enjoyment:

You are not right. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM. (redacted spam link) You commit an error. Let's discuss it. Write to me in PM, we will talk.

It's like spam haiku.

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