aka Why Does Jesus Hate Me?
I'm out with Fuss Friday (even sick, he's got to get out of the house at least a little or he goes nuts) doing some errands and getting him a treat. And he's being super fussy, understandably. Trying to extend the outing without instigating an exposed fuel rod style meltdown I suggest we look at "toys upstairs", aka the Abundance Thrift Shop. I stop in regularly to sniff through their books and they have a loft with a pretty good kid's room, Fuss usually finds something to keep him occupied for a bit.
"Yeah." he sniffs.
So I pull up, unpack him from the car seat, try the door...and its locked.
I note the piece of binder paper taped to the window: "Closed for Good Friday".
And of course Fuss goes completely batisht insane.
Jesus doesn't hate you. He thinks of you as the loyal opposition.
He is risen...aim for the head!
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