
the destructive myth of the 'moderate' Republican

Here's the archetype of the species, David Brooks, getting all tingly in his nethers over the Ryan budget plan.

Today, Paul Ryan, the Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee, is scheduled to release the most comprehensive and most courageous budget reform proposal any of us have seen in our lifetimes....His proposal will set the standard of seriousness for anybody who wants to play in this discussion....This budget tackles just about every politically risky issue with brio and guts....Paul Ryan has grasped reality with both hands. He’s forcing everybody else to do the same.

And there it is, laid bare.
The reality of a 'moderate' Republican: tax cuts for the wealthy (who are already rolling in clover and not paying their way) paid for with the elimination of services for those desperately in need.

And this idealogical heartlessness is lauded and celebrated by the 'moderate' Republican. It takes such brio and panache to apply the boot to those crawling in the gutter at your feet while simultaneously picking their pockets for your wealthy friends, after all.

Any truly 'moderate' Republican in the current political environment would be a conservative Democrat. Identifying with and voting for the hateful rhetoric and social vandalism practiced by the modern Republican party isn't 'moderate' in any meaningful way.

Which isn't to say these folks aren't personable and friendly and enjoyable on an individual level, or even generous. But when you bore down to the center of Republicanism the fundamental belief is the fortunate deserve everything by dint of their superiority while the unfortunate deserve nothing, because if they were worthy they'd be one of the fortunate and wouldn't need help.

It is a basic failure of morality and humanity. There is no 'moderating' it.

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