to this:
TWO AMERICAN MEN have launched the first lawsuit against Apple Inc over its controversial location tracking on its iPad and iPhone.
Vikram Ajjampur, an iPhone user from Florida, USA, and William Devito, an iPad user from New York, filed a lawsuit against the company on 22 April in federal court in Tampa, Florida.
But Turtleneck Jesus says it's all good over email:
We don't track anyone. The info circulating around is false.
So they just collect the info in unencrypted, easily accessed form but Apple itself doesn't track you.
Whew, that's a relief!
Back to 1984... where does that ad rank among Ridley's directorial efforts?
I'd rate it behind The Duelists, Alien and Bladerunner, ahead of everything else. Except maybe Legend...although I haven't seen that one since the theatrical release and it doubtless benefits from a pass of nostalgia's glittering wand. It's hard for me to imagine liking a movie starring Tom Cruise the way I remember liking that one.
Also, doesn't Big Brother bear a striking resemblance to Hunter S. Thompson?
All he's missing is the trademark cigarette holder.
I wonder how long it will be before some enterprising video editor replaces Big Brother with Jobs, holding forth at one of those Apple trade shows.
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