
Thoughts on nearing the end of the 30 Day Song Challenge

Reader's Digest Version: I'm not sorry I did it!

As lame as the majority of the questions were, even the worst of them got me thinking (if just to re-configure them in a more entertaining form), triggered some memories and brought up good tunes I haven't listened to in a while.

My current musicverse is bordered by Work and Home, both of which impose their own sort of restrictions on what I can get away with playing. This challenge got me thinking outside of those boxes a bit, digging through the stacks so to speak.

Could I have cooked up a better set list? Yeah, but I didn't, which hugely depreciates the validity of my whining. It's like someone who doesn't vote complaining about politics- you can still do it, but from ground that's shaky at best. Doing trumps chattering.

That said, I'm mulling over an intense reduction of this basic concept.
A week or so of musical contemplation, a small, spotlessly white plate of carefully arranged tapas as antidote to the original's groaning Hometown Buffet-esque steam table of offerings.

If I actually get it off the ground please reinstate all my kvetching on the topic over the last few weeks.


Malderor said...

I still look forward to some kinda vague comment on the CDs that I sent you seven rainy seasons ago.

baxie said...

DUDE, I have that writeup on my hard drive somewhere.....I'll spruce it up and try and get it posted in the next few days.