
Link Clearinghouse

Uh, how was I not previously aware of a cooking parody show starring Richard E Grant?

Enthusiastic fan compiles Lovecraft word frequencies.

For all my needlework enthusiasts, the evolution of GIGANTO-BLANKET.

File under 'no duh'.
"New research shows that teaching kids more and more, at ever-younger ages, may backfire."

Kids will learn when they're ready to learn, force feeding them 'learning' like foie gras geese is dumb. The ideology of Free Range Learning is looking more and more appealing.

Here's one bullet I dodged.
Someone should start a Sad Etsy Boyfriend support group on Facebook.

Wait, Intel gave this gal 75k for finding out that teenagers are addicted to cell phones?
Couldn't they have found that out by spending 10 minutes around anyone on earth with a cell phone?

Oh well, better her than some Washington lobbyist.

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