
True Customer Tales

A genuinely baffling interaction.

Family of three at the counter with a couple of books. The discussion goes something like this.

gal, proferring Thai cookbook: How much is this?

me, noting big orange price sticker on front: $14.95.

gal, handing book to guy: Oh, oh, that's too much. I don't need that.

kid to gal: Which Simpsons book should I get?

gal: I...I...I don't like that style of humor, it's pointless to ask me. I can't say. Simpsons humor.

guy to kid: Did you want this book?

kid: no, I already read it. I have a copy.

guy: then why did you bring it up here?

kid, waving Simpsons book: I want this one.

guy: I'm not...I'm not just buying you some junk like that!

I figured they weren't going to buy anything and tuned out while they continued bickering. After a bit gal and kid wander out the door, and guy pushes all three contended books across the counter at me.

"I'll take these."

It is a mark of my retail professionalism that I didn't exclaim "Uh...WHAAAAAAAAAAAA?" while doing a slack-jawed double take.

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