
discontents of the modern age

tracking numbers.

I get the utility, but it's aggravating knowing the replacement Roku box is in Oakland as I type this but won't get here until next week.

I feel it's subtly mocking me.

On the plus side, this morning I picked up a copy of ATTACK! at the library sale to help fill the Roku content gap.

For me, the great discontent of the Roku outage has been telling Fuss he can't watch this or that episode of different shows.

Dada, watch Ghostie Talking Hamster? (the Wonder Pets Halloween special)
Dada, watch Robot Spaceship? (Futurama)

He has a whole parallel language devoted to this kind of thing.

For her part, the Wife has been driven half mad by the enforced separation from Dog.

Cold turkey ain't no joke, people.

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