
omnibus update

Found Devra's next birthday present.

Someone remind me to get a salad spinner- damp lettuce is wearying my soul.

Also some baking sheets. The broiler pan is OK for nachos, but doesn't cut it for biscuits. I thought mine were in the garage, but I can't find 'em.

Early candidate for Book of the Year.

Bruce Sterling on global panic.

Fusso is entering some new realm of development. He's marginally more amenable to distraction & will now sit and gnaw on a book or wave around a stuffed animal for several minutes before demanding fresh stimulation. He hasn't show any affinity for boxing, but when you throw on an episode of The Dog Whisperer he becomes fixated. I foresee conflict with his mother, who's combustibility allergic to anything with fur.
He still fights sleep like it's trying to change his diaper.

Meggsie is settling in downstairs.
The refrigerator finally showed up and I played Handyman and installed all of the miscellaneous bathroom fixtures. Cousin Don has expressed interest in doing the kitchen with the leftover bamboo flooring, which would officially make the downstairs nicer than the upstairs. I have a plan to tile over the cement patio and set up the fire pit and grill for relaxing evenings in the back yard.

Which just now is a bare expanse of sand dotted with ratty shrubs and dead bushes, but one dreams of a rain forest of native plants and mosaic inlaid walkways, thronged with birds and butterflies.

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