
true life customer stories

A gal comes in with a song and dance about how she called a few weeks back and we said we bought books so she drove all the way from Paso.

I can already tell this isn't going to end well.
Anyone who leads with "you said you buy books" tend to close with the same statement in a minor key after you reject the mountain of crap they've dragged into the store. Which is why I'm scrupulous about NEVER saying "we buy books". I say "we'll take a look at them". Not that it matters, since people mostly hear what they want to hear.

And anyone who emphasizes how far they had to transport their mountain of crap always expects us to pay the freight.

So I approach the stack of boxes with caution.

And it's worse than I expect- not only is it all mainstream hardcover fiction by people like Danielle Steel & Michael Crichton (translation: totally unsalable garbage) they're 95% Book Club editions, which we don't take under any circumstances.

So I trudge through the boxes (one good book can make a buy worthwhile and you never know what you'll find- also, people tend to get pissy when you glance over a buy and dismiss it out of hand).

"Well, I'm sorry, but there's nothing here for us. It's mostly book club editions, which we don't handle."

"But you said you bought books. I drove all the way from Paso."

"I'm sorry, but we have to be selective, we've got limited room. And we don't take book club editions."

"Well, I didn't KNOW they were book club editions!"

"Yeah, sorry about that."


I ain't Nostradamus, lady!

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