
Shameless plug

I'm quite a bit more domestic than your average male, but even I was a bit put off when the wife bought me rose peppercorn linen spray for Christmas. I felt like I should be frisking about the house in a pair of heels, draped in an apron and wielding an outsized feather duster.

But, there it was.
So when I was casting about for ways to customize the wife's Husband Experience on Valentine's Day, exotic linen spray seemed like just the thing. I hosed down my shirt and pants, let them marinate a bit, then worked them over with a hot iron.

And let me tell you, never have I had so many ladies go batshit crazy over how good I smelled. "what IS that smell?" they'd say....which I get all the time, but last night it was accompanied by a smile, and they avoided the perjorative 'stench'. Then they would sidle up to me, sniffing, and then start rubbing up against me like bears with an itch between their shoulders.

Far from being put off, the wife was encouraging the phenomena.

"Come here....smell my husband!" she would demand, pointing at my armpit.

So anyone who likes an ironed shirt for special occasions, hook yourself up with some Caldrea linen spray.

Twelve bucks WELL spent.

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