
politics: safe abortion guide

In light of South Dakota deciding to make hay on the Roberts and Alito superme court elevations by banning abortions, Molly has posted the guidelines of a 70's guerilla abortion group on her blog.

In the 1960s and early 1970s, when abortions were illegal in many places and expensive to get, an organization called Jane stepped up to the plate in the Chicago area. Jane initially hired an abortion doctor, but later they did the abortions themselves. They lost only one patient in 13,000 -- a lower death rate than that of giving live birth.

JANE proceedures for clean, safe abortions without a doctor

Points that occur to me:
Groups looking to use the government to control behavior they find personally abhorrent but that is widely supported are doomed in the age of the internet.

Google 'safe abortion' right now and you get plenty of useful hits.

Give the reproductive manaics more time to advance their unpopular agenda through the court system and that number will skyrocket. A consensus "best" resource will emerge, be linked to all over the internet and become the Abortion Ebay, or the Amazon of Abortions. Access will be a mouse click away, whatever the government says.

Prohibition didn't work because the Utopian vision of a zealous few were in direct opposition to the opinion of the majority. The same thing will happen with abortion. Criminializing it will do nothing to stifle demand and enacting bans supported by the nuts in the supreme court will generate a tidal wave backlash in the electorate.

just watch...

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