
music: She Wants Revenge

Music has always been an oroborus, feeding on itself to generate new life.
Lately it's threatened to become an auto-cannibal, eating and eating of itself without generating new vistas, the devouring mouth consuming so fast it threatens to catch up with itself and vanish with a comic-book *pop*.

So it's surprising that She Wants Revenge is the first band in my experience to mine the rich and relatively unmolested vein of late 80s/early 90's synth/goth/dance/robot pop music, territory populated by Joy Division and New Order, Bauhaus, early Cure, Sisters of Mercy, and the better offerings of Depeche Mode.

I just listened to it for the first time, and it's catchy as hell...kinda surprising, as I wasn't a big fan of any of the aformentioned bands except for a few songs each. These cats seem to have reduced the genre to a thick sauce, burning away all the boring bits.

The only complaint I've got right now is they could get monotonous, their songs are nicely varied but the lead singer is locked into a metronomic shout/sing groove that doesn't vary much.

But about half the tunes are catchy and involving as hell, and the others are pretty good on first listen. I dunno if this one will grow on me or get stale fast, it seems to have an equal chance of both right now. But so far so good.

here are some of their songs on Hypemachine.

Check out Red Flags & Long Nights, These Things and Tear You Apart, three representative tracks.

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