
more stolen superbowl content: Mrs. Tatum Reports

from her workplace in downtown Pitt:

It's cold. It's snowing. The Victory Parade is scheduled to begin at 11am and conclude at the Plaza across from my office at 12:30.
By 7:50 this morning, when I was rushing through the wind on my way to work, the plaza- the endpoint of the parade - was already a sea of black-n-gold clad steeler fans, apparently just milling about in anticipation of the parade FOUR and a Half Hours later.

My colleagues just made a trip outside for steelers gear, which is being hawked
from every streetcorner.
As if anyone needed yet another tee-hat-jersey-towel.
As I write, at 9:15, the Plaza is nearly at capacity.
Only 3 hours to go!

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