
why 'My Name is Earl' stinks

Jason Lee is an appealing screen presence, in spite of being a baying Scientologist. He could roll out of bed and engage my sympathy as the type of scruffy n'er do well everyman he essays in this show.

But good acting and casting can't correct terrible writing.

The show is frustrating because it's ALMOST well written, but can't resist breaking the cardinal rules of comedy, explaining the joke. Every time it does something marginally fresh or creative, it has to pause (or in this case, cut to a flashback) and give a powerpoint presentation on the geneology & lineage of the joke. In treating its audience like lobotomized, mouth-breathing mall dwellers it creates a self fulfilling demographic prophecy....because no other audience would hang around for each after-joke lecture on why what you just heard was so funny.

Here's hoping it gets cancelled so Lee can recreate the role in movies unfettered by paranoiac script editors scared of losing the midwest by taking a turn too fast.

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