
Politics: stealing content

comments from readers of Atrios r/e Bush's "news conference" to "explain" why an unqualified ass-kisser is being named to the supreme court:

That lazy drunk has got no business talking down to me.
Nookyular Moolah

I just screamed at the television, "Stop talking to us as if we're as stupid as you are!"

Not very adult, but when we've been infantilized for years, I guess this will happen more often.
Jen in Brooklyn

(psst....it's "Antonin" Scalia, not Anthony) ^_^

Not according to my President, it isn't. I'm his favorite judge.
Anthony Scalia

With mute on, you miss the slurring. No fun. I suspect the closed captioning was quite a task for the stenographers.

He looks tired and weak and incapable. There are a few moments, when he gets back to his fifteen GI Joe pull-the-cord lines, but mostly he sounds palsied. Or medicated.
pseudonymous in nc

It's Springtime... For Dubya... And America!!!! (insert musical note graphics)
Phobos Deimos

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